To frame our individual research areas we would like to offer the following key words...

ALEXANDRA MAZUR-KNYAZEVA: Fire - Emotion - Destruction

KIM NORTON: Space - Site - Memories

MICHELLE DOUEK: Textile - Industrial - Perception

MINHYUNG LEE: Texture - Tradition - Skin

NAOMI BAILEY: Audacious - Mark - Movement

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

A little inspiration can go a long way!

The advantage of working in this space is the opportunity to be inspired by the collection around me and the visitors. Today I met ‘Rick’, a ceramics teacher and art history educator from the other side of the globe. His infectious energy led to us swapping names of key influential players who are currently challenging and inspiring us to ‘look again’. It was great to chat about illusion, perception of materials and craft. Thank you, Richard…here are a couple of images that should give us all food for thought. Please venture from behind your computers to see them for yourselves if you get the chance, the images in the virtual are nothing like the experience of these artworks for real! MD

Richard Wilson's oil mirage '20:50'

Sue Webster & Tim Noble's 'Real Life is Rubbish'

Comments always welcome...

This morning I was visited by a school group and I introduced them to the ‘magic’ of glazing…which I thoroughly enjoyed and I think they did too! Unfortunately, I did not find out which school they were from, but they were all very polite and asked some very good questions indeed! (Some, even better than those adults have posed. Over the course of this residency we will have heard them all...!) All jokes aside though, I really do love to discuss the V&A collection, my research and your interests and observations, so I hope I will be visited by more people. I am waiting for a notice by the door to inform people that they can enter the workshop and discover more about my research and practice.

Over the next few weeks I’ll be collecting feedback on the perception of the materials that I use and I have set up a comments book too. I encourage you to leave your comments and suggestions here and I will post the comments from the book here as well for you to ponder on...


With big thanks to the V&A (especially Leanne) I have returned to the Ceramics Workshop and set up residence back in the ‘live’ display cabinet of the Ceramic’s Collection…

Today was my second day. Yesterday was spent moving my creative tool box and materials across from university, fabric cutting, glazing and sewing and today was much the same.

With only two days in the workshop this week, I was determined today that I would get a kiln full of glazed fabric with a range of my glazes and shapes in order to have a variety of pieces to work into jewellery over the next 4 weeks. Yes folks, final assessment is it's all go...everyone keep those fingers crossed for Friday's kiln results!

Can jewellery objects really have a place in the ceramics department at the V&A...?? I hear you cry! That should sort the ladies what do from the ladies what lunch!!! Watch this space, Michelle